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Big, sunny top floor apartment, for plant lovers - Temporary 10.01 until 07.02
TEMPORARY FOR 4 WEEKS! (10.01.2025 until 07.02.2025)
I am subletting my furnished apartment (one 2x2 bed, an extra single bed, big L-shaped couch, 4-drawers freezer) from the 10th of January of 2025, until the 7th of February 2025. A small negotiation of the dates is possible, and with that a small negotiation of the price would also be possible.
I have many indoor and outdoor plants (in my 14m² balcony), so I hope to find someone who enjoys being surrounded by them.
The third, and smallest, room is not included, as I will use it to store my belongings, so the person renting will have more space for their own belongings. The size of this room is already deducted from the total usable area that I advertised.
In the morning the kitchen gets sunlight, and in the afternoon the living room, bedroom, and balcony, gets sun until the very end, as the buildings nearby don't really block the sun. It is perfect to enjoy the sunshine at home during winter. The bathroom has a skylight (that doesn't open), and is usually very bright during the day (the reason why I manage to keep some plants in the bathroom).
There is an external parking spot for bicycles, as well a big room for keeping bicycles in the basement.
It is about 5min walk from the forest and from Wyermannshaus.
Within an approximate 10min walk you can find Migros, Denner, Coop, Jumbo, Aldi, pharmacies, gas station, restaurants, laundry, a brocki, etc.
It is located at a 3-6min walk from buses, trains, and trams that go to the city center within 5-15min. By bicycle you can get to the main train station in 10min.
Let me know if you have any questions, or would like to book a viewing!