Selber Film, nächstes Zitat: "They went up there alive and came back down dead! Did you notice that? The difference, I mean: alive, dead, dead, alive, that sort of thing?"
Guter Film, lange nicht gesehen. Hier wieder was aus derselben Zeit: "You paid 500 pounds for this?" "That's what it cost, David." "No, no, that's what you paid for it. ... We don't know how much it cost us yet. For you two to have a good time, we don't know the cost of that yet."
Ne, ein GROSSER Kinoerfolg, jedenfalls für Arthaus-Verhältnisse, aber ist ne Weile her. OK, letztes Zitat, sonst versuch ich's mit was Aktuellem. "She's like Switzerland, beautiful but dumb."
Möchte es mal jemand wenigstens versuchen? War ja immerhin ein grosser Kinoerfolg.
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Selber Film, nächstes Zitat: "They went up there alive and came back down dead! Did you notice that? The difference, I mean: alive, dead, dead, alive, that sort of thing?"
Filmzitate Raten
Guter Film, lange nicht gesehen. Hier wieder was aus derselben Zeit: "You paid 500 pounds for this?" "That's what it cost, David." "No, no, that's what you paid for it. ... We don't know how much it cost us yet. For you two to have a good time, we don't know the cost of that yet."
Filmzitate Raten
Filmzitate Raten
Ne, ein GROSSER Kinoerfolg, jedenfalls für Arthaus-Verhältnisse, aber ist ne Weile her. OK, letztes Zitat, sonst versuch ich's mit was Aktuellem. "She's like Switzerland, beautiful but dumb."
Filmzitate Raten
Möchte es mal jemand wenigstens versuchen? War ja immerhin ein grosser Kinoerfolg.