This track has been spontaneously born on a sleepless night in december 2016 by jamming with the Alchemy Mobile app. Now, on a...
Dave Giordano
Dave Giordano
Meine Stadt
thinkpunkAmina Nabi
This track has been spontaneously born on a sleepless night in december 2016 by jamming with the Alchemy Mobile app. Now, on a sleepless day, I finally found the time to complete this composition:
And another song from my forthcoming Album:
Ladies & James, I give YOU my next composition from my forthcoming album...
BR, Dave
Dear ones, after some individual requests I'll give you the FULL VERSION with the prolonged intro of "The Last Son Of Krypton" from my forthcoming album... As always: enjoy or dislike! ; )
BR, Dave Giordano
Mit Freude wünsche ich EUCH allen entspannte Festtage! In einer schlaflosen Nacht entstand am 21. DEZ spontan folgender Track, als ich auf der Mobile App 'Alchemy Studio' herum jammte... Wie immer: enjoy or dislike! ; )
Mit grosser Freude darf ich dir die 3. Komposition "The First Groove Is The Deepest" meines kommenden Albums vorstellen. Enjoy or dislike! ; )