
Impact Hub Zürich

Impact Hub Zürich

Impact Hub Zürich

Ort Zürich, Schweiz
Gegründet 2010
Follower 97
Hexagro | A living farming tree is travelling the world

Hexagro | A living farming tree is travelling the world

Impact Hub Zürich is a community of over 800 entrepreneurial people. Every year in autumn we organise the Kickstart Accelerator - an eleven week support programm for 30 startups from all around the globe. Five of them will introduce themselves. This week: Hexagro Urban Farming from Milano, Italy.It`s been almost one year since my journey with Hexagro Urban Farming began. At that time I was wandering around the website for the Thought For Food startup competition and I realized I needed a project and a team to actually participate. Caught unprepared, I started surfing the ideas that others already had submitted for the challenge – and I fell upon the Hexagro Urban Farming application. The picture of their product looked cool, and when I clicked and found out that the team members were from South America, I literally fell in love – I had just returned to Europe after an awesome work semester in Colombia.This is how I met Felipe and Arturo, two Latino engineers living and studying in Milan – my city by the way!  Shortly afterward, Milica joined our team and all together we started to shape what is today Hexagro Urban Farming: a startup that wants to empower everybody to produce their own healthy food at home.The path to get to Zurich, for Kickstart Accelerator, was very fast and unexpected. We were all studying or working on other projects or companies. And we continue to do so – but since arriving in Zurich, our life and business opportunities suddenly accelerated at turbo speed. Our weekly team meetings evolved, centered no longer on “how can we find something to do, sell, or showcase”, but rather “where do we find time to do it all”.Grew up from Felipe’s bachelor thesis, the Living Farming Tree was developed envisioning the most easy-to-use and customizable indoor garden that could produce enough food for an entire family or even supply fresh vegetables for restaurants or hotels. After many designs and redesigns based on customer feedback, this month we`ve started the pre-selling campaign of our firstLiving Farming Tree version.In the last months, the Living Farming Tree has travelled the world, even more than us, to be showcased as a great example of biomimicry design. The way its architecture works, indeed, is similar to a honeycomb. It maximizes yield of production while maintaining minimum volume. Ventilation and lighting are also depending on this structure to guarantee maximum exposure to each plant and proper environmental conditions. Today the Living Farming Tree can produce crops from micro greens to salads, aromatic herbs and even small fruits, i.e. strawberries, but we are already developing other geometries that can adapt to higher plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers or eggplants. The system looks like an IKEA box you can easily ship anywhere and assemble on site. Ask Arturo how freaking difficult is to develop an easy plug&play system, where you can add different sensors or farming gadgets based on the type of plants you are growing. Well… more than several sleepless nights.All of this was developed with little time and very limited budget. But in the end, that’s why we are so addicted to this world. The adrenaline of creating something from scratch and bringing it to the market. Running after one thousand other things at the same time, well, it’s hardcore! But we`re thinking big. We are already envisioning the creation of the biggest urban farmers network to let anybody, anywhere access healthy food. Stay tuned and do not hesitate to reach out to us with any feedback, suggestions or questions!About the AuthorAlessandro Grampa is an Italian born food gastronome and entrepreneur. He`s the co-founder, CMO and business developer of Hexagro Urban Farming. Passionate about sustainability and project management, he had the chance to travel around the world for fun, work and education.------------Wanna get more Info about what we do? Sign up for the Impact Hub Zürich Newsletter to get the newest blog posts directly into your mailbox and to stay in touch with what’s going on in our community.

Sihlquai 131 / Selnaustrasse 25 / Viaduktstrasse 93, 8000 Zürich,

Öffnungszeiten: Colab & Viadukt: Mo - Fr: 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Kraftwerk Zürich: Mo - Mi: 8:00-22:00 Uhr, Do & Fr: 08:00 - 00:00h

Sihlquai 131 / Selnaustrasse 25 / Viaduktstrasse 93, 8000 Zürich,

Öffnungszeiten: Colab & Viadukt: Mo - Fr: 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Kraftwerk Zürich: Mo - Mi: 8:00-22:00 Uhr, Do & Fr: 08:00 - 00:00h

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