Impact Hub Zürich

Impact Hub Zürich

Impact Hub Zürich

Ort Zürich, Schweiz
Gegründet 2010
Follower 97
Workspace2Go: "When you start your venture, it is always on your mind!"

Workspace2Go: "When you start your venture, it is always on your mind!"

My first title for this article read "the downside of being an entrepreneur". That may seem a bit harsh, and may even presume that starting my own company, Workspace2Go, was something negative. That’s not true. I truly love my job and our great startup, I am living a dream. Really, there’s nothing like seeing an idea turning into something that works. Yet there is, as always, an other side of the coin, which I feel is too often left out (also by me). So let’s play the devil’s advocate for once and focus on the downsides of building a startup business. 1.     The head is always spinningThis is may be the worst thing: When you start your venture, it is always on your mind. In the very early stage, your new idea is very exciting and you think about it all the time – and that’s the way it should be. Your whole life, gradually, starts to evolve around your startup. Your new business baby consumes a lot of your working time, spare time, friends & family time, and becomes eventually a big part of your life. For a certain period you are your startup and your startup is you. Well at least in my case. And honestly, I had nothing against it, because it was what I loved doing.There are certain moments though where it would have been nice to just switch off the spinning thoughts. But this isn’t fully possible.2.     It’s hard work, also emotionallyStarting an own business means many things, but it essentially means that you are going to work really hard. There’s a huge gap between the outer, romantic perception of the cool, fancy startup daily business and reality. Especially when your efforts start to bear fruit, you quickly find out why big companies have separate HR, Finance, Sales, Customer Service, Marketing and Legal Departments. In your startup it’s just you and your equally worn out Co-Founders.On top, and almost worse, come your emotional ties. You stand behind your idea and identify yourself to a big part with it. Critical comments are often taken personally (those ignorants have no clue anyway, right?), and product problems become to an extent personal issues.3.     No money98% of all founders can tell you a thing or two about having no or not enough money.And don’t worry, we’re not even talking about opportunity cost here. Unless you are a rich kid (not me), have huge savings (not me) or other sources of income (are you kidding?), you end up running side jobs (yep) and drastically cut your fix cost, e.g. moving back to your parents (yep again). A majority of the founders find the color red much more present in their lives than green. To conclude: I wholeheartedly encourage everybody who wants to become an entrepreneur to do it, to risk it, to get started. I promise you won’t regret it. But do it for the right reasons and watch out, there are downsides too. But that’s life, right?  Manuele Fumagalli (28) is the Co-Founder of Workspace2go, a Zürich-based Startup that operates an online platform for meeting rooms, desks and workshop locations. It works like Airbnb, just for Business. Before Workspace2go, Manuele spent several years in account management positions for UBS. He holds a BBA in Finance.

Sihlquai 131 / Selnaustrasse 25 / Viaduktstrasse 93, 8000 Zürich,

Öffnungszeiten: Colab & Viadukt: Mo - Fr: 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Kraftwerk Zürich: Mo - Mi: 8:00-22:00 Uhr, Do & Fr: 08:00 - 00:00h

Sihlquai 131 / Selnaustrasse 25 / Viaduktstrasse 93, 8000 Zürich,

Öffnungszeiten: Colab & Viadukt: Mo - Fr: 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Kraftwerk Zürich: Mo - Mi: 8:00-22:00 Uhr, Do & Fr: 08:00 - 00:00h

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