Impact Hub Zürich
Impact Hub Zürich
Zürich, Schweiz
Improv Dance | Exploring Expression through Movement
Improv Dance is about connecting to your body, exploring your physical and emotional state of being, and learning how to express it. We enter this journey step by step by starting with mindfulness exercises that prepare for the more dynamic movement and dancing part of the workshop. The experience as a whole is both grounding and exciting. By the end of each session, participants will feel a stronger connection to their body, a sense of relaxation, physical tiredness from all the dancing, but also a connection to the whole group. And this last point is key as one of my aims is not only to assure an incredible individual experience, but also to create a space for shared magical experiences. We gather once a month at Impact Hub Zurichs location Garage, close to Hardbrucke, for roughly a two-hour session of Improv Dance. What is appealing of the Improv Dance community is that participant come from all sorts of different professional backgrounds. Some are Impact Hub members, therefore from the Start-up world, but many are students, artists, dancers, scientists and much more! We are a diverse crowd, in which everyone brings a special spice to the group dynamic.At this point you might be asking yourself why such a diverse crowd is attracted to Improv Dance? These are some of the reasons:1) It gives you a boost of energy produced by the overall experience.2) Participants learn the language of the body, therefore, practice valuable skills to physically and creatively express their emotional and physical state of being.3) By the end of each session, everyone feels relaxed and grounded.Overall, the session is like a safe playground for adults, it is the moment to playfully and mindfully express your being without judgement.Creating a safe space for this to happen is key as it benefits the individual as well as their loved ones. So join us on the next session and be part of this vibrant growing dance community, open for all curious ones here in Zürich. Upcoming events:- Improv Dance, Tuesday 29th May 19.15-21.00 @ Garage - Impact Hub- Contact Improvisation, Wednesday 6th June 20.30-22.00 @ Yoga Spirit- Multi-Sensorial Journey, Wednesday 13th June 20.30-22.00 @ Yoga Spirit For more details and information on upcoming events contact Alicia via email at: [email protected] the author:Alicia is an interdisciplinary social anthropologist who focuses on dance and embodiment and the social dynamics that happen in a non-linear and non-verbal context. Dancing contact improvisation and organising interdisciplinary, body, dance & movement related events has been one of her life passions and she now combines her interest in dance, embodiment and anthropology whilst facilitating playful, meditative workshops.
Sihlquai 131 / Selnaustrasse 25 / Viaduktstrasse 93, 8000 Zürich,
Öffnungszeiten: Colab & Viadukt: Mo - Fr: 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Kraftwerk Zürich: Mo - Mi: 8:00-22:00 Uhr, Do & Fr: 08:00 - 00:00h
Sihlquai 131 / Selnaustrasse 25 / Viaduktstrasse 93, 8000 Zürich,
Colab & Viadukt: Mo - Fr: 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Kraftwerk Zürich: Mo - Mi: 8:00-22:00 Uhr, Do & Fr: 08:00 - 00:00h
KOMANA / SALON ZUERIWalter Peter BearthRike.K_24187t_erdemMr. SunShineflorianJikiMrs LowStudio RichardsonLinus_Kjasmin_408495Pagemo
Improv Dance | Exploring Expression through Movement
Improv Dance is about connecting to your body, exploring your physical and emotional state of being, and learning how to express it. We enter this journey step by step by starting with mindfulness exercises that prepare for the more dynamic movement and dancing part of the workshop. The experience as a whole is both grounding and exciting. By the end of each session, participants will feel a stronger connection to their body, a sense of relaxation, physical tiredness from all the dancing, but also a connection to the whole group. And this last point is key as one of my aims is not only to assure an incredible individual experience, but also to create a space for shared magical experiences.
We gather once a month at Impact Hub Zurichs location Garage, close to Hardbrucke, for roughly a two-hour session of Improv Dance. What is appealing of the Improv Dance community is that participant come from all sorts of different professional backgrounds. Some are Impact Hub members, therefore from the Start-up world, but many are students, artists, dancers, scientists and much more! We are a diverse crowd, in which everyone brings a special spice to the group dynamic.
At this point you might be asking yourself why such a diverse crowd is attracted to Improv Dance? These are some of the reasons:
1) It gives you a boost of energy produced by the overall experience.
2) Participants learn the language of the body, therefore, practice valuable skills to physically and creatively express their emotional and physical state of being.
3) By the end of each session, everyone feels relaxed and grounded.
Overall, the session is like a safe playground for adults, it is the moment to playfully and mindfully express your being without judgement.
Creating a safe space for this to happen is key as it benefits the individual as well as their loved ones. So join us on the next session and be part of this vibrant growing dance community, open for all curious ones here in Zürich.
Upcoming events:
- Improv Dance , Tuesday 29th May 19.15-21.00 @ Garage - Impact Hub
- Contact Improvisation, Wednesday 6th June 20.30-22.00 @ Yoga Spirit
- Multi-Sensorial Journey, Wednesday 13th June 20.30-22.00 @ Yoga Spirit
For more details and information on upcoming events contact Alicia via email at: [email protected]
About the author:
Alicia is an interdisciplinary social anthropologist who focuses on dance and embodiment and the social dynamics that happen in a non-linear and non-verbal context. Dancing contact improvisation and organising interdisciplinary, body, dance & movement related events has been one of her life passions and she now combines her interest in dance, embodiment and anthropology whilst facilitating playful, meditative workshops.
As an entrepreneur as well as in the corporate world, we face challenges and hectic situations on a daily basis. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about, having founded a startup myself. So some of us will experience more stress than others, some of us will build up tension in their bodies (watch out for your back and shoulders!) while others will desperately look for their missing energy and motivation in a 15th cup of coffee.
But what do you do in all these moments when you need a quick fix, right now on the spot, in the situation you are currently facing, without having to wait until the end of the day to feel better?
I’ve got good news for you! There are plenty of methods you can use anywhere and anytime, whatever you wear and whatever you are going through. This is what we do in REAL LIFE YOGA , we use the effective wisdom of yoga in everyday situations. And here are two of my favourite tips for you:
Before an important pitch: Stand up and balance
Let’s say you feel anxious before pitching your idea to an investor or before a big presentation. Stand up, place one foot in front of the other and try to keep the balance as you close your eyes. Stay there for a few deep breaths, keeping the focus on your balance and your breathing. Then place the other foot in front and repeat. This will make your nervous system calm down and help you centre before you give your best pitch ever!
To think clearly: Breathe your nose out (Spooky? Not really)
It’s a fact, we think too much. Our mind likes to fill itself up with useless mind-chatter which prevents us from seeing the solutions that are right in front of us.
Sit tall and put your right hand on your belly. Exhale forcefully through your nose in quick shots and pull your belly in just as forcefully as you do so. Really use your belly here to get all the air out in one go. All your attention is on the exhale, the inhale will happen on its own in between. Repeat 30 times, mark a pause to breathe normally and if you don’t feel to dizzy yet, make another round of 30. It looks like a dog breathing on a hot summer day, expect that you focus on the exhale only and you are not sticking your tongue out…
Beware: do not try this after lunch (believe me), before going to bed of if you have high blood pressure.
About the author:
Elodie is founder and coach at REAL LIFE YOGA . A blend of accessible yoga methods to make your business life successful and sustainable, without changing clothes or rolling out a yoga mat. To learn more about their business coaching and workshops, please reach out to [email protected]
Or visit their weekly lunch classes in Zurich: - Wednesdays @ Yoga Tribe K6, Nordstrasse 195 - Thursdays @ The Space, Josefstrasse 130 - Fridays @ Kraftwerk, Selnaustrasse 25 (free for Impact Hub members)
FREE introduction to REAL LIFE YOGA: “Make your business life better” Wednesday 23 May at 12h15. Yoga Tribe K6, Nordstrasse 195, 8037 Zurich No mats, no special clothes nor flexibility needed.
Instagram: @reallifeyogi
Monograms & Signets | Die Zeichen der Zeitlosigkeit
Es ist das Bedürfnis nach Entschleunigung und Beständigkeit, welches die internationale Kundschaft zur kleinen Monogramm-Schmiede nach Zürich kommen lässt. Jedes der hier ausgearbeiteten Monogramme ist eine Art zeitloses Portrait. Ein Portrait, das über Jahre hinweg Freude schenkt und so zum lieb gewonnenen Begleiter wird.
Angefangen hat alles vor acht Jahren, als ich mich nach vielen Jahren in der Agenturszene für die Familie entschieden habe. Eigentlich wollte ich schnellstmöglich wieder zurück ins Berufsleben, aber es stellte sich rasch heraus, dass dies mit Baby, Teilzeitanstellung und Projektverantwortung schwierig ist. Deshalb wechselte ich, wie viele meiner Kolleginnen in derselben Situation, in die Selbständigkeit.
Mit der Zeit überkam mich jedoch mehr und mehr das Bedürfnis, etwas Eigenes, von tieferem Wert und Bestand zu schaffen – was mir im schnelllebigen Freelancer-Alltag nie möglich war. So kam ich auf die Idee, individuelle Monogramme und Signete zu gestalten und diese zu verkaufen. Der Entwicklungsprozess ist dabei vergleichbar mit dem Designen von kommerziellen Logos. Das Endprodukt jedoch ist haptisch und füllt eine unbesetzte Nische.
Mittlerweile sind acht Jahre vergangen. Die Kinder sind inzwischen neun und vier Jahre alt, und das Kundenklientel international. Anfragen kommen vorwiegend aus der Schweiz und dem umliegenden Ausland, aber auch Bestellungen aus Chicago, London und Dubai waren schon mit dabei.
Ich bin sehr stolz auf das, was ich hier geschafft habe. Ich finde es aber bis heute extrem schwierig, Beruf und Familie unter einen Hut zu bringen. Ich wünschte mir sehr, dass die Gesetzgebung und unser Schulsystem endlich zeitgemässere Lösungen anbieten.
Über die Autorin: Marianne Schmollgruber ist freie Brand Experience Designerin. Nach Studienjahren an der Kunstuniversität Linz (AUT) sowie in Berlin Weissensee (GER) ist sie international für Agenturen tätig. Seit 2009 wirkt sie freischaffend aus ihrem Atelier in der Nähe von Zürich.
Yova | Investiere deine Bank-Ersparnisse in Bereiche, die dir am Herzen liegen
Brauchst Du einen guten Grund, um Dein Geld in etwas anderes als Dein Bankkonto zu investieren? Du musst gar nicht jenseits Deines Bankkontos nach dem Grund suchen. Falls Du Deine Ersparnisse in einer der großen Banken angelegt hast, dann bewegt sich Dein Zinssatz etwa im Bereich von 0,01 Prozent.
Bei einem Kontostand von 10,000 CHF wird er pro Jahr um 1 CHF wachsen. In fünf Jahren wird dein Kontostand sage und schreibe 10,005 CHF betragen.
Nun nimm einmal an, Du hättest vor fünf Jahren Dein Geld nicht auf Deinem Sparkonto belassen, sondern diese 10,000 CHF mit einer diversifizierten Anlagestrategie investiert. In diesem Zeitraum hätte sich der Wert Deiner Investition nun auf 16,000 CHF gesteigert - in jeglicher Hinsicht ein beeindruckender Zuwachs.
Bist Du neugierig, wie Du Deine mühsam verdienten Ersparnisse anlegen kannst? Wir machen es Dir einfach. Du wählst die Themen und Fragen aus, die Dir am Herzen liegen (Erneuerbare Energien, Elektromobilität usw.). Unsere Finanzexperten entwickeln auf dieser Basis eine personalisierte Investitionsstrategie für Dich. Hier kannst Du loslegen.
Wir kümmern uns um die fachlichen Details. Dazu gehört auch, Deine Strategie entsprechend dem Risikograd zu diversifizieren und zu optimieren, der Dir ein gutes Gefühl gibt. Im Gegensatz zu einer typischen Investmentgesellschaft denken wir auch darüber nach, welche Unternehmen Du unterstützen möchtest, basierend auf Deiner Vision der Welt. Dieser Dienst ist völlig kostenfrei. Bei Fragen stehen wir Dir hilfreich zur Seite. Über den Autoren
Dr. Tillmann Lang, Mitgründer und CEO von inyova Tillmann ist ein Mitgründer von Yova , einem FinTech-Startup mit Sitz in Zürich. Yova unterstützt Menschen dabei, ihr Vermögen durch Investitionen aufzubauen, die ihren persönlichen Interessen und Werten entsprechen. ___________
Impact Hub Zürich is a community of over 900 entrepreneurial people. In this blog we introduce one of them every week! Wanna get more Info about what we do? Sign up for the Impact Hub Zürich Newsletter to get the newest blog posts directly into your mailbox and to stay in touch with what’s going on in our community .
ungleich≠ | Crowdfunding a Data Center
I admit when Nico, the CEO of our company, announced that we’re going to raise 250,000 CHF by crowdfunding I said out loud “No.” I think my answer was not taken seriously, I realized much later because, now all the goodies are sent out to the supporters (which I packed myself by the way), and we have received participate certificates from our supporters who are now also our shareholders. Yes, the campaign ended as a success, we even surpassed our goal.
How it started
We moved our company to canton Glarus attracted by its hard-to-resist low real estate price and friendly cows who stare at us when we walk to the train station. We only discovered that this region has hydropower from the Alps and many, unused industrial sites left from the time when it was rich with textile industry. And what about that fiber connection, used in measuring hydropower! It was just too good to not build a datacenter. So we did.
The goal
We had built our datacenter prototype in our co-working space (which we also built from a scratch) and then expanded to a big, unused factory hall. We had very competitive VMs to offer, the only problem was to gain exposure to our possible customers. There came the idea of crowdfunding campaign, for funding our marketing cost.
How we reached it
Some years ago we have started the project Digital Glarus, and although it ended up as a lot of doing-by-learning hardcore bootcamp for startup like us (which backed my personal reason for saying NO to crowdfunding idea in the first place - as I saw how much work it would entail), it did help us. Especially having done one crowdfunding with smaller scale helped us a lot in ramping up our goal for 10 times the next round.
What we have learnt
Probably like most startups, we are very much into what we do. But it also means that we prefer doing it than talking about it, and there comes the challenge. We’ve learnt that it is very important to talk about what we do, so other people can help us reach our goals and dreams, by either buying our shares (which was our crowdfunding goal) or by simply talking about us.
To learn more about our Data Center Light, or to order virtual machines from it: visit
About the author
ungleich is a Linux system engineering company with a strong passion for bridging technology and community. The projects of ungleich include Digital Glarus, Data Center Light, Hack4Glarus, Devuan hosting and many more. This article is written by our designer Sanghee Kim.
Impact Hub Zürich is a community of over 900 entrepreneurial people. In this blog we introduce one of them every week! Wanna get more Info about what we do? Sign up for the Impact Hub Zürich Newsletter to get the newest blog posts directly into your mailbox and to stay in touch with what’s going on in our community .
Digital Leverage | Relaunch Marketing aus Überzeugung
Wieso Online Marketing zu jedem Redesign dazu gehört
Ferdinand Laufer und Marco Schlauri haben die letzten 5 Jahren für verschiedene Agenturen, Corporates und Startups in Zürich gearbeitet.
Dieses Jahr haben sie Digital Leverage gegründet: Eine Agentur, welche auf der Überzeugung aufbaut, dass es bei jedem (Re)Launch eine klare SEO und Content Marketing Strategie braucht um erfolgreich zu sein.
Einige werden sich nun fragen: “Wieso genau brauchts Online Marketing bei einem Relaunch?” Ihre Antwort: Weil oft neue Strukturen und Prozesse gebraucht werden um eine bessere Performance zu erzielen.
Passend dazu gibts auch gleich noch die entsprechende Startup Floskel: “Crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”
Egal ob KMU oder Grossunternehmen, die Jungs von Digital Leverage sind bei der Umsetzung von SEO und Content Marketing Massnahmen immer wieder auf die gleichen Probleme gestossen. Die Haupttäter: Suboptimale Webseitenstrukturen, unfokussierter Content und nicht klar definierte Customer Journeys.
Die Lösung dieser Probleme nahm dann oft sehr viel Ressourcen in Anspruch - wenn man aber so oder so die ganze Webseite neu designt, gestaltet sich das Ganze einiges einfacher.
Denn beim Relaunch wird so oder so die ganze Webseite überholt – hier ergeben sich zwischen Web Development, SEO und Content Marketing etliche Synergien, die aber leider oft nicht entsprechend genutzt werden.
Digital Leverage wurde gegründet, sodass kein Launch ohne Online Marketing Strategie mehr durchgeführt werden muss. Denn genau in diesem Moment ergibt sich die Chance einen Gameplan zu definieren, der sich fundamental auf die Traffic und Conversionzahlen der nächsten Jahre auswirken wird.
Wer also mehr zum Thema Relaunch und Online Marketing erfahren will, trifft Ferdinand und Marco an der SOM Messe am 18./19. April hier in Zürich oder alternativ auf an.
Über den Autor
"Marco ist Gründer und Inhaber von Digital Leverage, einer Online Marketing Agentur, welche sich auf den (Re)launch von Webseiten und Apps spezialisiert hat. Er verbindet seine langjährige Erfahrung im SEO und Content Marketing Bereich auf Agenturseite mit technischem Know-How um fundierte Marketing Strategien für Kunden umzusetzen. Wenn er sich nicht ums Online Marketing seiner Kunden kümmert verbringt er Zeit in den Bergen, auf Netflix oder organisiert gerade einen Pop-Up Brunch "
Impact Hub Zürich is a community of over 900 entrepreneurial people. In this blog we introduce one of them every week! Wanna get more Info about what we do? Sign up for the Impact Hub Zürich Newsletter to get the newest blog posts directly into your mailbox and to stay in touch with what’s going on in our community .