BREATHWORK FOR SELF-CONFIDENCE This two hours breathwork healing experience is all about energy, strength, confidence and...
Manuela Schoepfer
Manuela Schoepfer
Freehealing artist /
Meine Stadt
Erika ZernickelNina Banavalikar
This two hours breathwork healing experience is all about energy, strength, confidence and mental balance. We will be releasing and aligning energies in the solar plexus and naval area. The workshop consists of two parts:
The first part is a powerful kundalini warm up with intention setting and in the second part we dive into a long group breathwork healing experience with empowering music and natural scents. Most people come out of this workshop
empowered and ready to trust their unique skills.
Matthias and Manuela will be holding a safe space, clear the space with sage, palo santo, copal and work with oils and sounds to fully support you on your personal journey.
After the session we will enjoy some snacks and tea to ground our bodies.
Bring: journal and pen, comfy & warm clothes, water bottle and eye pillow
Exchange: CHF 65.- per session or class pass available
More infos and registration:
ONLINE BREATHWORK Meditation and Reiki
Sunday, 25. July
10am PST/1pm EST/7pm CET
BREATHWORK - loud and silent - strong together
Join me for Breathwork Meditation and Reiki. In this class we come together as a group, listen to our breath, open our heart, quiet our mind and receive Reiki energy.
Online Breathwork is beautiful and you can practice with me wherever you are in the world. I will send you long distance reiki as a form of prayer, thoughts and visualization. The experience is just as powerful as an in-person studio session and oftentimes it is even deeper and more relaxing because you can be in your safe and comfortable home. If you missed a session you can always order the recording.
The session is slow, nourishing, and suitable for everyone. No experience in breathwork, meditation or reiki is necessary.
More infos and registration:
BREATHWORK Meditation and Reiki
Mittwoch, 14. Juli
Breathwork ist eine kraftvolle Atemtechnik, welche uns zurück in unseren Körper bringt.
Ich begleite dich durch die aktive Breathwork Meditation, mit Reiki und Räucher Ritualen. Mit einer wunderschönen Playlist schaffe ich eine sichere und unterstützende Umgebung.
Diese Sessions finden über Zoom statt und erlauben mir, euch zu begleiten, wo immer ihr euch auf der Welt befindet. Ich sende Distanz Reiki in Form von Gedanken, Gebete und Visualisation.
Die Erfahrung ist genauso kraftvoll wie vor Ort im Studio, oft sogar noch tiefer und entspannender, da du in deinem gemütlichen, sicheren zu Hause sein kannst. Und wenn du eine Session verpasst hast, kannst du jederzeit die Aufnahme bestellen.
Die Sessions sind langsam, meditativ und für jeden geeignet. Alle sind willkommen.
Infos und Anmeldung:
YOGA AND WELLNESS RETREAT Lenk Lodge 10. - 13. September
The mountains and nature surrounding our very special wellness Lodge in Lenk is providing the best air for our four-day retreat. Lenk Lodge was specifically designed for exclusive wellness retreats in the Swiss mountains and we are beyond grateful to be able to host our Air Retreat in this wonderful mountain lodge.
In this specific retreat, we will be offering classes, workshops and ceremonies that are rooted in the science of breathwork, traditional yoga, kundalini yoga, movement, meditation and herbalism. The beautiful nature surrounding our Lenk location will be enhancing our group experience.
Book your spot:
We carefully chose Appenzell to be the location that will be supporting our inner and meditative journey to get grounded and to explore deeper connections, with ourselves and mother earth.
In this specific retreat, we will be offering classes, workshops and ceremonies that are rooted in the science of breathwork, traditional yoga, kundalini yoga, movement, meditation and herbalism.
We have been designing this retreat for a very small group of people. We will be curating a safe place for self exploration, stillness and healing.
30. June - 4. July
Our retreat home in southern Switzerland is an oasis of calm. It’s a place we felt in love with straight away. The house and all the surroundings have all the charm of the beautiful Ticino area.
In this specific retreat, we will be offering classes, workshops and ceremonies that are rooted in the science of breathwork, traditional yoga, kundalini yoga, movement, meditation and herbalism.
We have been designing this retreat for a very small group of people. We will be curating a safe place for self exploration, stillness and healing.
Join us, we have only 2 more spaces left: