
Michelle Sara Kernen

Michelle Sara Kernen

Michelle Sara Kernen


proudly married, mommy to Lee David, passionate blogger, sports fanatic, coffee & breakfast lover, gipsy soul, aesthete, minimalist

Meine Stadt Zürich
Follower 31
The perfect cheese platter: for the perfect weekend!

The perfect cheese platter: for the perfect weekend!

Already a few Saturdays ago I got to throw a summer breakfast party for girls. It was so much fun and there were tons of delicious things on the table. I gave my best to keep it simple though.We had a variety of smoothies (Freunde am Kochen & Innocent), Mr. Snackins fabulous goodies, sugar free marmalade from Mr. & Ms. Bio, self made Acai bowls (from Amazonian), not to forget: MANDY (my favourite almond milk in town), and unbeatable vegan spreads (Soyana).AAAND: a huge variety of cheese from Welschland. my favourite, shop for specialities from the Western (French speaking) part of Switzerland. It's a very authentic organic store, open till late in the evening in our neighbourhood (Kreis4). Martin, the owner, gave me some very valuable hints & tips for the perfect cheese platter. There are a few "rules" to follow if you want to make it right ;) (not to underestimate). Cheese platter are great fun! There are almost no creativity boundaries.here we go: + choose a variety of cheese: hard to soft / recent to mild+ around 5 sorts of cheese (220g / person)+ cheese-clock: arrange the cheese clockwise, begin with the mildest (that's how it should be eaten too)+ decorate with natural products whose tastes agree with the cheeses; herbs, nuts, dried fruit, grapes. + cheese knife: It's nice to have several cheese knives so the flavours of the stronger ones aren't mixed into the others. (I got mine at: Edition Populaire, that store is beyond beautiful)+ provide a basket full of great bread (I got my favourite rye sourdough bread from John Baker)+ wine, wine, wine.. (or as we did: juice, coffee / tea - it's allowed; MIRÓ proved)+ you can even put a vegan cheese on the platter (options..)+ I added a vegan spread onto mineCHEESE IS LIKE GOOD WINE. IT NEEDS TO BE SERVED AT ROOM TEMPERATURE.Enjoy! Cheers!

Der schönste Ort in der Stadt:
The alley leading to Bullingerplatz, Zürich

proudly married, mommy to Lee David, passionate blogger, sports fanatic, coffee & breakfast lover, gipsy soul, aesthete, minimalist

Der schönste Ort in der Stadt:
The alley leading to Bullingerplatz, Zürich
An diesem Ort kann ich mich am besten entspannen:
at home with hubs and bebe
Meine Lieblingsbar:
Eldorado, Raygrodski
Da nehme ich noch einen Schlummi:
Grand Café Lochergut
In einem Film über mein Leben, würde mich dieser Schauspieler verkörpern:
Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Olivia Wilde
Ich bin
In einer Beziehung
Ich suche eine/n
Meine Grösse (in cm)
Mirela Cama