
Michelle Sara Kernen

Michelle Sara Kernen

Michelle Sara Kernen


proudly married, mommy to Lee David, passionate blogger, sports fanatic, coffee & breakfast lover, gipsy soul, aesthete, minimalist

Meine Stadt Zürich
Follower 31
Sugar free marmalade: for the breakfast win!

Sugar free marmalade: for the breakfast win!

we love long weekend brunches. and since Switzerland is renown for it's bread quality, it won't be missing on our buffet. On Sundays my husband and I either walk to the organic bakery (John Baker Helvetiaplatz) and get a fresh loaf or I get one on Saturday from Vier Linden stone oven bakery. Great bread deserves a great topping. Fresh marmalade, home made Nutella / nut butter - NO NO NO refined sugar though.. ;) Since the sugar free marmalade is too expensive to buy regularly, I tried to imitate it. And voilà - I succeeded =) So quick, inexpensive, delicious, family friendly and you won't barely taste that there's no sugar inside! Go for it. Yum. apricot - apple marmalade with vanilla+ 1 cup (frozen) apricots+ 1 apple+ 1/2 cup apple juice+ vanilla+ juice of one lemon+ 1/2 teaspoon agar agarmix all the ingredients, except the agar agar, in a pan and cook (on a lower level) for about 5-7 minutes. ones everything is soft, blend for a few seconds in your blender and give the mixture back to the pan. now add the agar agar and stir properly. pour into a jar and seal tightly. let the glass cool and then store in your fridge. consume within 7 to 10 days. raspberry - orange marmalade with dates+ 1 cup (frozen) raspberries+ 2 oranges, peeled and sliced+ juice of one lemon+ handful of dates (pieces)+ 1/2 cup apple juice+ 1/2 tea spoon agar agarmix all the ingredients, except the agar agar, in a pan and cook (on a lower level) for about 5-7 minutes. ones everything is soft, blend for a few seconds in your blender and give the mixture back to the pan. now add the agar agar and stir properly. pour into a jar and seal tightly. let the glass cool and then store in your fridge. consume within 7 to 10 days. 

Der schönste Ort in der Stadt:
The alley leading to Bullingerplatz, Zürich

proudly married, mommy to Lee David, passionate blogger, sports fanatic, coffee & breakfast lover, gipsy soul, aesthete, minimalist

Der schönste Ort in der Stadt:
The alley leading to Bullingerplatz, Zürich
An diesem Ort kann ich mich am besten entspannen:
at home with hubs and bebe
Meine Lieblingsbar:
Eldorado, Raygrodski
Da nehme ich noch einen Schlummi:
Grand Café Lochergut
In einem Film über mein Leben, würde mich dieser Schauspieler verkörpern:
Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Olivia Wilde
Ich bin
In einer Beziehung
Ich suche eine/n
Meine Grösse (in cm)
Mirela Cama