YOGA FOR JOYFUL EATING Stop obsessing about food & start following your bliss! Do you feel like you are spending too much...
Yoga in a Bag
Yoga in a Bag
FreeDein Yogastudio – authentisch, individuell und persönlich. Ein Ort, wo Du Dich willkommen fühlst, entspannen & neue Energie tanken kannst.
Hohlstrasse 481 8048 Zürich
Hohlstrasse 481, 8048 Zürich, Telefon: +41 78 686 23 23
Öffnungszeiten: gemäss aktuellem Stundenplan auf
Hohlstrasse 481, 8048 Zürich, Telefon: +41 78 686 23 23
Öffnungszeiten: gemäss aktuellem Stundenplan auf
Dein Yogastudio – authentisch, individuell und persönlich. Ein Ort, wo Du Dich willkommen fühlst, entspannen & neue Energie tanken kannst.
Wo: Yoga in a Bag, 8048 , Zürich
regulameileHeidi UlrichRita BerrouajessmaroRIBOemonacoalohakarin.lasenChrista LochertanhanTiger2008beahof
Stop obsessing about food & start following your bliss!
Do you feel like you are spending too much time thinking about what and how much you eat?
Do you feel shame or guilt after eating?
Do you feel disconnected from your body?
Yoga for Joyful Eating is about:
Permission to feel good in your body
Nourishing yourself without judgement
Feeling good about who you are
Meet Brinda (Psychotherapist) and Melanie (Yoga instructor, Nutritionist) in this healing Workshop.
No experience in yoga necessary. Just wear comfortable clothes.
Suitable for all from age of 12.
More details
Expressive Art & Yoga:
Where Creativity meets Bodymind Well-being
June 16th 2019 from 02.00 to 05.00 p.m.
Yoga in a Bag Hohlstrasse 481 Zurich
Immerse in a creative process and reconnect to your inner world through yoga and expressive art. Yoga helps to initiate the creative process by quieting the mind and opening the heart, bringing us into a state of receptivity so inspiration becomes not only likely, but inevitable.
Expressive art is a useful tool to access our creativity and release blocked emotions. This workshop helps you to de-stress and reconnect with yourself and others in safe, non-judgmental space.
No experience in yoga or art necessary.
Suitable from age 12.
For more information:
Fearless Nourishment: A Bodymind Approach to Intuitive Eating
15 June 2019 | 2 - 5 p.m.
Yoga in a Bag, Hohlstrasse 481 Zurich
Learn about the BodyMind connection and get a deeper understanding of eating disorders and your day-to-day struggles around food. Experience the potential of yoga to feel comfortable in your body, revise your inner dialogue and re-connect to your true essence.
No experience in yoga necessary.
Suitable from age of 12.
For more information:
Don't miss these amazing Yoga Workshops:
Yoga Basics: Sonnengruss und stehende Übungen
In diesem Workshop widmen wir uns dem Sonnengruss, den Basics der Atemtechnik und den stehenden Übungen. Du kannst alle Deine Fragen stellen, Deine Yogapraxis entwickeln und neue Freunde kennenlernen.
Wir schliessen den Workshops mit einer Yoganidra Entspannung und anschliessend stärken wir uns mit einem frischen Saft oder Smoothie.
Wann: Sonntag 08. Juli 2018 von 10.00 bis 12.30 Uhr.
Preis: 90 CHF inkl. Säfte und Smoothies
Bonus: Teilnehmer erhalten ihr erstes 10-er Abo für 230 CHF (statt 270 CHF)
Magical Moon Yoga Workshop
This 2-hour workshop includes learning about the moon and it's all its cycles, how it affects us and what we can do to align ourselves with its powerful transformative energy.
Date: Sunday 08th of July 2018 from 5.00 to 7.00 p.m.
Yoga für Kinder und Familien in den Sommerferien:
- Yoga-Kids-Club!
- Mami/Papi-und-ich Yoga!
- Yoga Familiensonntag!
- Yoga-Party!
Alle Details hier:
Yoga Basics Workshop:
Sonntag 08. Juli von 10.00 bis 12.30 Uhr widmen wir uns den Basics von Sonnengrüssen und stehenden Übungen. Ideal für Anfänger und alle, die gezielt an Ihrer Yogapraxis arbeiten wollen: