Thu, 15.01.2009

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 15.1.09: Rock week, outdoor dancing & Kurt Cobain

Lunch cinema
  And the winner is…: Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal Malik, an 18-year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is just one question away from winning on India’s Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? When the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating. Jamal then tells his life story, revealing how he came to know each answer. I read the novel that the film is based on, Q and A by Vikas Swarup, last year and was hooked. But be warned, his life story is pretty gruesome at times.
Thursday 12.15 pm, Le Paris
Le Paris
Hot or Cold: This Thursday the choice is yours: Dance outside against the WEF on Helvetiaplatz (dress warm!) to the sounds of Saalschutz and Sabotage. The motto: 'the financial world shivers in Davos, we party in Zurich'. Or celebrate the 6th issue of the online fashion magazine hopehope (dress hot!) with DJ Question Marc & Circonflexe at Papiersaal. The two events couldn't be more different; there’s really something for everyone.
Thursday 9 pm Helvetiaplatz
Thursday 8 pm, Papiersaal
Rock the week
 It rocks: Rote Fabrik presents a week of rock music starting this Friday. My highlights are the Voodoo Rhythm label night on the opening date and The Rabbit Theory and Yakari on Wednesday, all typical Zurich acts. I have some free tickets to give away for the evening of your choice.
16-24 January, Rote Fabrik
e-mail for tickets
Funky pop
Pop meets funk: I’ve already introduced you to Heidi Happy, a singer/songwriter who produces beautiful pop music, so you should know she’s playing at Moods this Saturday. The after-party presents DJ Fett, who specialises in old soul singles, ecstatic jazz and relaxed reggae. In my opinion he is one of the best funk and reggae DJs on the scene.
Heidi Happy 8.30 pm, Moods
DJ Fett midnight, Moods
Comic relief
 Start the night with a chuckle: Guy Stevens' Funny Laundry brings the best of British stand-up comedy to Switzerland. This Saturday it’s Simon Day’s an Al Stick's turn to entertain the audience at Mascotte. Simon is most famous for his roles in the sketch show The Fast Show, the sitcom Grass and a series of comedic adverts for Powergen. I’ve been told that laughter is good for the immune system, so let’s hope this helps knock out all the flu viruses that are flying around.
Saturday 8 pm, Mascotte
Sunday film
Smells Like Teen Spirit: If you spent the 90s listening to Nirvana until your ears bled then the documentary About a Son will take you back. Director AJ Schnack has collaged footage from a long interview Kurt Cobain gave music journalist Michael Azzared shortly before his suicide with still pictures from Seattle and a soundtrack of songs by Melvins, Band of Horses and Mark Lanegan. The homage without one Nirvana song won first prize at the music film festival in Barcelona in 2007.
Sunday 9 pm, Riffraff
Good to know
  Online shopping: It's still very cold outside so if you prefer not to leave the comfort of your own home but your food supplies are low, online food shopping might be the answer. It’s also nice for those like me who get irritated by the crowds in the supermarkets at the weekend. Let the nice delivery person carry those heavy bottles and bulky vegetables for you. Migros and Coop both offer all their goods on their website where you can fill your virtual trolley with whatever your heart desires. And unlike Migros shops, their online offerings include alcohol and cigarettes.
 Single, not looking for a relationship: Inside Switzerland Magazine investigated whether there are more singles in Switzerland than in other countries and why. One of the conclusions drawn is choice: “We choose our favourite cereal because we can; we choose a job because we can and we also choose our lifestyle, again, because we can.” My ex-girlfriend said the same.
Screen Test: Andy Warhol invented it. Celebrities get three minutes in front of the camera to do or say whatever they want. Bob Dylan, Salvador Dali, Lou Reed and many more took part in it. Now, the New York Times journalist Lynn Hirschberg is doing something similar with George Clooney, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman and many more.
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