Thu, 09.04.2009

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 09.04.09: Relax, dance & remember

Zurich photo trip
Easter break
Let the sunshine in: Forecasters predict up to 30 hours of sun over this long weekend and as soon as the sun is shining, the square next to Kanzlei gets so crowded it makes you wonder if beer tastes as good in other places too. Yes it does! Idaplatz also offers an atmosphere that’s somewhere between Berlin’s Prenzelberg, coffee culture in Avignon und Zurich’s district life. Bottega Berta, Berta Bar, Bei Babette, Kiosk Smoking and Piazza Bar all face the plaza, serving refreshments and food. Otherwise, Letten at the river, Bäckeranlage and the lake are also relaxing spots to hang out. If the weather turns bad, just pamper yourself with a Hamam treatment or hop on the train to the photo museum in Winterthur (closed on Good Friday).
Easter parties
Let's dance: Incredible but true! Until the year 2000 there was a strict ban on late-night dancing over Easter in Kanton Zürich and it’s still prohibited in 6 cantons in Switzerland. Luckily for us there’s a lot going on in our city this weekend. 1. Electro, techno and house with DJ Mehdi from Paris, Kid Bizzy & Deadcool Banga at Hive on Thursday. 2. Birdy Nam Nam at Rohstofflager on Friday. Tonimolkerei is under construction but the club is still open. 3. And if that isn’t enough for you, there’s the After Hour at Loop on Saturday morning.
Thursday 11 pm, Hive
Friday 11 pm, Rohstofflager
Saturday 6 am, Loop

Let’s listen: CALLmeKAT's songs are a delicate mix of electronic and acoustic melodies and sounds, accompanied by her bittersweet voice. The artist from Copenhagen plays at El Lokal this Saturday, together with Korg and Casio who call themselves the Keyboard Graveyard.
Saturday 8.20 pm, El Lokal
Let's kick it: Tuesday, when the long weekend already seems like a thing of the past, is dedicated to football: the Champions League quarter-final sees Chelsea play Liverpool. I usually watch sport at Sport Bar but unfortunately they refuse to show football, so I'd recommend Hafenkneipe instead.
Tuesday 8.45 pm, Hafenkneipe
Song Circus
Let's sing: The love of songs, in general, and singing, in particular, are the central themes of The Song Circus at Moods im Schiffbau. Coal hosts the show with his band, performing with singer/songwriters from all over Switzerland. Heidi Happy from Lucerne, Shirley Grimes from Vaud, Marco Zappa from Ticino and special guest Adrian Weyermann from Zurich are just some of the musicians invited to play. I have two pair of tickets to give away.
Wednesday 8.30 pm, Moods
e-mail for tickets
Art affair
Let's paint: inspired by Carl Jung's ideas, Agent 488 is a collection of paintings, photographs and installations by Joseph Pisani. The Swiss psychiatrist explored the psyche through the worlds of dreams, art and philosophy, founding the concept of Analytical Psychology. He also worked as a secret agent (number 488), for the Office of Strategic Services, a predecessor to the CIA. This solo exhibition at gallery Artseefeld runs from 15-25 April.
Wednesday 6 pm, Artseefeld
Air guitar
Let's play: I have 20 air guitars to give away. It may look like I’m offering an old hairbrush and a mirror, but this is as real as it gets. Described as “air guitar meets Guitar Hero”, just hook the small amplifier from the rocker to your belt and wave about the wireless plectrum. The songs aren’t that easy to play, but then practice makes perfect. You can also buy them at Brack if you don’t win one. Rock on!
e-mail for air guitar
Let's remember: the French Riviera in the 60s, an era of elegant lifestyles when men were strong and women were ahead of their time. The ad agency Mother has produced three short film virals for Stella Artois, which recreate 8 Mile, Die Hard and 24 as French cinema classics. And talking about the French New Wave, check out Dance With Me by Nouvelle Vague set to Jean-Luc Godard’s Bande à part.
more about new wave
Let's eat: There are many Italian restaurants in town but my favourite is Italia. The restaurant serves great food, with good service and a beautiful garden. The venue isn’t usually crowded and you can also buy cheese and meat from Piedmont over the counter. For espresso head to Bar 3000 (of club Zukunft) just around the corner.
If you've anything to say, discuss or declare, then this is the place to do it:
City Page
If you're looking for something (a flat, a ticket, love), have something to give away (a flat, a ticket, ex) or have anything else to say, then this is the place to do it:
Room in Zurich Nord: Flat: 60 sqmLocation: 2 Minutes from Bhf Oerlikon, 13 Minutes to Airport / Central StationSize of Room: 8 sqmSharing: Kitchen, Entrance-Room of 9 sqmBalkony (first floor) at the room.Parkingplace for CHF 50.-/Month availableFor someone who needs a second flat in Zurich or something during the week.Price CHF 350.- / Month (with furniture and WLAN access)
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