Thu, 16.07.2009

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 16.7.09: New layout, recess & summer

New layout and recess

We’re updating our website with a new design and you’ll also find your newsletter has arrived with its brand new layout. I hope you’ll like it. It would be great if, like the last time we did a redesign, everyone can send me some feedback – not just those who don’t like it! Not all the functions work properly yet, so please be patient with us and let me know if you notice anything irregular at [email protected].

That's new! Password: It won’t be possible anymore to come directly to the website and you won’t be automatically logged in simply by clicking on the newsletter. So, if you’ve lost your password, please click on ‘Forgot password’ and follow the instructions. If, after doing this, you don’t receive an e-mail with your password, please check your spam folder first. Account: As a new feature you’ll have an account where you can receive messages and contact others. This way you can, for example, ask a contributor directly where a photo was taken and if you might use it. Everything else is staying the same, and I have to say that I’m proud of our fresh, new look.
As you know, I'll be taking a vacation from now on, so you’ll receive the next newsletter on 3 September. So this week's newsletter includes - as promised - a tip for each week I’m gone.


Give my love to the city while I’m away,

Zurich photo trip
Ron Orp's photo trip Zurich
This week

And, of course, first the week's highlights:

Open air cinema: The pre-premiere of the ode to the Big Apple “New York, I love you”. I have 5 pairs of tickets to give away for tonight's Orange Cinema, just send me an e-mail.
Thursday 21.35 Orange Cinema

Club opening: The new club Exil opens its doors at Hardstrasse 245 with Rizzoknorr and DJ Lexx
Friday 9 pm, Exil

Party: Abart hosts a last party before its summer break. First gather outdoors for drinks and food stalls and, from 11 pm, head indoors with alternative and classic party hits. Entry is for free!
Saturday 6 pm, Abart

Unplugged: Zurich’s Heidi Happy (you should know the name by now) appears at Seebad Enge. Free entry!
Sunday 8 pm, Seebad Enge

Concert: Bob Log 111 plays (for the 14th time!) at El Lokal. So if you miss him there's a good chance that you can see him another time (just kidding).
Tuesday 8.20 om, El Lokal

More music: Maiers Theater presents Ordnungsamt, a band from Berlin that’s renowned for their garage rock. Free entry but the hat will go round afterwards.
Wednesday 8 30 pm, Maiers Theater

Week 1 – BYO BBQ

I hope the weather picks up and summer finally stays. On Saturday 25 July Wavesick-Urban Surfwear organises a guerrilla grill party at Rentenwiese with cool boxes, grills and blankets. Bring your friends, drinks, something to grill, a headband and a radio. Your headband identifies you as a member of the party and the organisers will also provide you with the frequency for a pirate station, which will play a special set by a dj direct to your radio.
Saturday 25 July 2 pm - 4 am, Rentenwiese

Week 2 – Joy Frempong

Whenever Zurich-based Joy Frempong gets on stage you can expect a concert with experiments and surprises. She'll play at Zeughaushof on Thursday, 30 July, together with Infinite Livez vs. Stade, in a performance combining funk and hip hop.
Thursday, 30 July 9 pm, Zeughaushof

Week 3 – Summer sounds

Beat Solèr, alias Seelenluft, collaborates with Zurich-based Saalschutz at Kaufleuten's Summer Sounds on Monday 3 August. This means delicate electronic sounds, a presentation of Seelenluft's new album (it's been three very long years since the last one) and a chance to party, party, party! Btw - On Kaufleuten's website you can win 5 pairs of tickets for this concert.
Monday 3 August 9 pm, Kaufleuten

Week 4 – Street Parade

Need I say more? Street Parade is still one of Zurich's major cultural happenings and appeals to all ages. I prefer the side and alternative events which happen all over the city. But you should be dancing no matter where you are!
Saturday 8 August 1 pm, Bürkliplatz

Week 5 – Open-air cinemas

Two great films at two fantastic venues on Friday, 14 August. Choice 1: Cine Club Nord presents Anthony Hopkins in The World's Fastest Indian at the beautiful MFO Park in Oerlikon. Choice 2: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at Xenix's open air cinema. Both films start at 9 pm approximately (as soon as you see something on screen).
Friday 14 August 9 pm, MFO & Xenix


Week 6 – Gallery openings

At the end of August all galleries in Zurich join forces and host opening nights over three days. The Aussersihl area starts the series on Wednesday, 26 August when 15 galleries welcome new exhibitions, followed by the city centre on Thursday and Löwenbräuareal and its surroundings on Friday.
Wednesday 26 August 5-8 pm, Aussersihl

Week 7 – Ron is back

No need to give you any highlights for this week as you'll receive your first newsletter after my break.


Born in the Streets

Fondation Cartier has hosted the exhibition Born in the Streets – Graffiti, since last week. It's a review of the illegal inception of street art, right up to more mainstream and popular forms. Part of it is a neat calligraphic online tagging presentation. If you click on the styles you'll be linked directly to the photos of the individual tags.

Movers and shakers

Now the Wall Street boys are staying away, the era of the ‘super fancy’ in NYC is a thing of the past. New York’s nightlife trendsetters are searching for the right formulas and testing new concepts. The NY Times talks to the movers and shakers who tell their stories of the hippest venues in the East Village, Meatpacking District etc.


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If you're looking for something (a flat, a ticket, love), have something to give away (a flat, a ticket, ex) or have anything else to say, then this is the place to do it:

Urban ghetto photo trip
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