Fri, 30.10.2020

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 30.10.2020: Rules, Chestnuts & Horror masks


Happy Halloween Ronster


Okay, Halloween is on Saturday but as this whole year has been an horrific nightmare what does one day matter? This year has had more ups and downs than a couple of kangaroos in mating season but nevertheless, together, we are all going to get through this.

I’ve decided to become a superspreader. A spreader of music, ideas and (hopefully) some positivity and joy. If you are a creative type and have a great idea to help us through these times then please get in touch - either by mail, though my FaceBook page or through Crowdify. Stay safe and…


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Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips

Worth Reading: Lockdown 2.0

If you are planning a Halloween party and you have invited twelve people you are going to have to let two of them down gently.

As i'm sure you all know the Bundesamt für Gesundheit has introduced a raft of new regulations. (I’m not going to go through them here. It would take all day.) I strongly recommend that you check out the new arrangements in detail though. Keep washing your hands, wearing the masks and staying safe and healthy.

Nadine Kägi

Good to know: Frau Gerold Does It Again


In previous years Gerolds Garten makes it’s seasonal metamorphosis into a fondue «Stübli» but, unfortunately, fondue is off the menu this year. But you can’t hold Frau Gerold back and the good folks there have created a mini winter wonderland with various food trucks, nice roaring fires and «Glühwein». Lovely.


Weekdays 5pm, Weekends 11:30am, Frau Gerolds, Geroldstrasse 23/23a 8005


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Eating: That Old Chestnut


Speaking of metamorphosis what happens to an ice-cream parlour in the middle of winter? Answer: The folks at Gelateria Tellhof smash up a few chestnuts for you and create their wonderful Vermicelles. Now Vermicelles are not a thing in the English speaking world, (they look weird and the name means worms,) but head over to the Vermicelleria and give ‘em a try. They’re amazingly delicious.


30th Oct - 22 Nov, Tellhof, Tellstrasse 20, 8004


Drinking: Coffee Medicine


I love a coffee in the morning don’t you? Or after lunch? Or after dinner with a nice grappa. If you want to find out the secrets of a great espresso Food Zurich in association with Zuriga are offering the opportunity to find out as well as brew your own cup.


Fri 7pm & Sat 1pm Zuriga AG, Hohlstrasse 418, 8048


Party: Step Into The Dark


If you are fed up with dodging people with masks what could be better than…a Halloween party. Kater is the darkest bar in town so what location could be better for their Dance Macabre (with no dancing) on the spookiest day of the year.


Sat 7pm -11pm, Kater, Kanonengasse 33, 8004




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Good to know: It's Snow Joke


A few weeks ago I mentioned that some ski resorts are already open for business. Well, Davos joined the list last weekend and, as there has been a bunch of new snow, conditions are already pretty good if you fancy doing some winter sport. At present the ski area is only accessible from the Parsenn end with a limited number of installations open at present.


Audiolicious: Zurich's Finest


Zurich is a musical city and as well as the amazing international acts that visit there are some great local artists creating some fantastic music. If you want to check out some of the music that has been created head over to spotify and check out the sound of Zurich with the (regularly updated,) Zürilove playlist.

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