Thu, 02.05.2019

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 02.05.2019: Bees, Seas & Barbecues


Good Morning Ronster

Ooooohhhh, my head. I hope that you enjoyed the party on Monday as much as i did. So after all the holidays it's back to work and a normal routine, at least for a few weeks. But i have some shopping tips and a new restaurant to check out which will take your mind off heading back to the grind. Have a great weekend Ronsters and don't forget...

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  Rons Tips

Eating: Kor Blimey


There is a few parallels between Korean Barbecue and Swiss Cuisine, particularly Fondue. You cook at the table, it is a shared experience and i love them both. Starting on Thursday and lasting for 6 days, Chez de Vree are playing host to a Korean Barbecue pop up restaurant and although it doesn’t state whether it is North or South Korean i’m sure it’s going to be great.


Thurs - Sat 8:30pm, Chez de Vree, Rötelstrasse 8006


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Good to know: The Place To Bee


Many of you Ronsters may remember the glowing sculptures that adorned the Europaalle at Christmas time but what you may not know is that they were designed and manufactured by Europaalle residents, Altherr/Weiss. Starting on Friday Altherr/Weiss will be presenting the Honey Experience, a multi sensory installation which combines honey beer, honey themed food and art created from 130 square meters of Beeswax. The aroma in their studio space is worth the visit alone…


Friday 7pm, Altherr/Weiss, Lagerstrasse 102, 8004


Concert: A Grammy and an Oscar


Winning a Grammy and an Oscar is no mean feat but Ryan Bingham managed it with his song, The Weary Kind, which featured as the theme song from the film «Crazy Heart,» starring Jeff Bridges. This Friday, Ryan is gracing the stage at the Plaza Club. A great night for fans of Americana.

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Friday 7pm, Plaza Klub, Badenerstrasse 109, 8004


Exhibition: Sole Man


While i don’t do that much actual sneaking i do love a good pair of sneakers so i am particularly excited about Sneakerness this weekend. Not only will there be many sneaker and streetwear stores displaying their wares but there are many side events such as fashion shows, sports events and the obligatory food trucks and DJ’s. This is an event that really has soul!


Sat - Sun 12pm - 6pm, Halle 622, Therese-Giehse-Strasse 10, 8050


Party: Luke Skydrinker


There is Obi Wan place to be on Saturday night and that is the Star Wars theme night at Ebrietas. Dress up as your favourite Star Wars character to receive a force awakening shot but don’t drink to many or you may turn to the dark side. May the Fourth be with you…


Saturday 7pm, Ebrietas, Zähringerstrasse 39, 8001


Film: A Must Sea


It’s a long way to the sea from Zurich but on Monday the Ocean Film Festival are going to try and transport you there with a series of films about life on the ocean wave. Free diving, surfing and illegal fishing are some of the topics covered in an evening of documentaries.


Monday 7:30pm, Theater Spirgarten, Lindenplatz 5, 8048




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Eating: Tamarind Hill


I am a big fan of Indian cuisine so when i heard that a new Indian restaurant was opening i had to check it out. Tamarind Hill may already be familiar to some of you as they have an established restaurant in Oerlikon but they have branched out with a second restaurant at the opposite end of the 14 tram line.

To Curry
To Vindaloo
To Madras

Homage to Rummage


A week doesn’t go by without some more great shopping opportunities and once again i have been trying to find you Ronsters some bargains and locations for a good rummage. Here we go…Hit the button to find out more.

The Button

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Close Encounters Theatre, Dynamo, 8006 Zürich

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