Thu, 23.07.2015

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 23.7.2015: Summer in the city, howl at the moon & grillin' is livin'

Dear friends
With summer in full swing, it’s that time again where I slip off to destinations unknown and explore the world outside of our sweet city. So this will be my last newsletter for a little while but I will return to you, fresh, fit and feisty on the 27th August. In the meantime, as well as this week's events, this newsletter has a few previews of things you can do throughout August.
Give my love to the city, Ron
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Concert: Summer in the city
If the idea of venturing into a hot, dark gig to get your musical fix doesn't appeal to you as summer shines on outside, then Stadtsommer is here to save the day, or rather your evening. Six bands, with styles ranging from rap to folk, will be playing live over the next couple of weekends in great outdoor locations around town, and all are free. Tonight, the Jeff Buckley-esque Tobias Carshey will play at Baeckeranlage. I'm also looking forward to seeing the psychedelic electronica of None of Them at Rieterpark and the Kraftwerkian pop of Klaus Johann Grobe in the courtyard of Helsinki.
Thursday (23rd & 30th Jul), Friday (24th &  31st Jul) and Saturday (25th Jul & 1st Aug) 9 pm, various locations
Party: Aim before you shoot
There’s a lot to unpack at the Bang Bang party at Exil this Saturday. Firstly, as to be expected from Exil, they’ve got some great djs, in the guises of Joe Bless, Dragon Suplex and Oh Snap, to keep you entertained. Entry to the party will be free between 4 pm and 10 pm, with food being served for anyone taking advantage of the early start. Then, and this is where they caught my attention, they’ll be arranging lots of competitions and games including, and please read this carefully, a dildo shooting range. Now, if a free night of music, food and dildos isn’t enough to satisfy you, then I’m at a total loss and you should probably unsubscribe from my newsletter.
Saturday 4 pm, Exil
Shopping tip: Bespoke bikes

If you live in Zurich, chances are you also own a bike. And if you're anything like me, you think of your mechanical marvel as more than just a metal frame on wheels. They are your winged-wonders, transporting you to every corner of the city, occasionally by ignoring road signs and thoughts of safety. Fretsche is a small boutique bicycle store that design and hand-build their own bikes; although these things are more like unique and beautiful sculptural works of art. Price-wise, they're normally out of reach of mere mortals but this Saturday they are having a sale/auction/party with around a 75% discount on their models. However, if you just want to go along to drool and make your old bike jealous, they are also offering free drinks to visitors, as well as a chance to test drive and dream.
Saturday 3pm until 8 pm, Fretsche, Hermetschloostrasse 70, 8048

Concert: Howl at the moon
Woolfy comes from California and yet despite this there is a certain Englishness about his music. His combination of electronic, rock and pop elements has him coming across like a one-man New Order, sounding perfect in the strobe lit centre of a dance floor and on the sun kissed glisten of an Ibiza beach. He’ll be playing live at Zukunft on Saturday night supported by djs Lexx and Kejeblos.
Saturday 12 am, Zukunft
Concert: Prince of song
Will Oldham has been recording under the name of his alter ego Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy since 1999 and has been extremely prolific, releasing an album almost annually. Despite this he has remained steadfastly in the shadows, which is a real shame, for Oldham is perhaps one of the best songwriters in the folk/Americana tradition and has a voice that will lead you gently by the hand along the knife-edge of emotional breakdown and cosmic revelation. His dark, nebulous songs may not be to everyone’s liking but if they drift into your heart, they’ll become lodged. He’ll be playing live at Kaufleuten on Monday.
Monday 8.30 pm, Kaufleuten
Shopping tip: Dress to impress the sun

To greet this wonderful summer in the appropriate dress, you might want to check out the Online-Shop Cityscape Fashion. Fashionista Anna Luisa Jones wants to support international design talents whilst offering brands that are hard to find in Switzerland. For example the feminine and elegant dresses by Australian Kelly Love, the modern and edgy pieces by Hungarian Dori Tomcsanyi or the retro summer dresses by Ukulele. So you don’t feel like I’m abandoning you, I'll sweeten my absence with a 200 franc voucher to spend. Think of it as emotional bribery.  Just send me an email.

Stage: Preview 1 - Spectacular spectacle
The Theater Spektakel is one of the big annual events in Zurich that I always get excited about. Like a siren's call for the world's theatre and street performers it brings the weird and wonderful to the lakeshore each summer. They have also included a lot more live music acts into the programme this year. A few acts that caught my eye this year are ‘ We Love Arabs’, a politically charged dance performance from an Israeli and Palestinian duo, ‘ My house, the rest of the world and beyond’ is a magical theatrical installation in which fantasy and reality merge and ‘ Freak Caberet’, a troupe of Ukranian actresses and dancers putting on a theatrical and musical extravaganza mixing Ukrainian folklore, progressive rock and classical music. There are also the bars, food and free street performers for those just wanting to hang out.
6th until 31st August, various times, Landiwiese
Concert: Preview 2 - Out of town
As i won’t be around for the next few weeks, you may find that Zurich begins to lose some of it’s sparkle for you (don’t worry, dear Ronster, I shall return). If you find this happening to you and you’re looking for something or somewhere new, then let me propose a journey across the city limits to a weird and wondrous land known as Winterthur. From the 12th to the 23rd August the Winterthurer Musikfestwochen is taking place. Throughout the city, on both openair and club stages, a vast variety of bands will be there for your delectation. Highlights include the Tex/Mex Americana of Calexico, the indie-folk of Villagers and the improvisational electronica of Binkbeats.
12th until 23rd August, various times, locations around Winterthur
Festival: Preview 3 - Radio world
For 17 days in August, Zurich becomes the radio broadcasting capital of the world. The International Radio Festival will be taking up residence in their own studio, based in the Hotel FourPoints at Sihlcity, with some of the leading and underground radio presenters and stations from all over the world broadcasting live every night and day. As you can imagine the styles and genres of music played will be everything the world has to offer, so check out the programme for full offerings. You’ll be able to go to their studios and listen to the djs live on weekdays between 8 am and 10 pm, and past midnight on weekends. Alternatively you can also pick up the broadcasts online or via FM radio.
14th until 30th August, Hotel FourPoints
Open Air: Preview 4 - Cityfests
There are also a few city quarter fests taking place while I’m away. The first is at Idaplatz on the 15th August. The day will be focused on mainly children’s events with a kids market and theatre show, then as the night draws in the stage will be open to local bands The Well and Phil Hayes & The Trees, with dj Rock Gitano taking it into the early hours. Röntgenplatzfest takes place on the 21st & 22nd August.This is also kid friendly during the day with a great selection of bands and djs playing during both evenings. The last is at Hallwylplatz on the 21st August. To be honest, the details on this festival are a little sketchy at the moment, but if past years are anything to go by, they’ll have plenty of food, drink and live music on offer that tend to stay around long enough to welcome in the morning hours.
Saturday 15th August, Idaplatz, 8003
Friday 21st & Saturday 22nd August, Röntgenplatz, 8005

Friday 21st August, Hallwylplatz, 8004
Drinking: As dark as the pacific is deep

I’m not sure yet, where my journey will take me, but I recall that drinking coffee in New Zealand wasn’t an experience I wanted to repeat. But the world is changing and in the meantime, coffee has become a bit of a culture on the islands, and also found its way to Zurich. At Café New Zealand pacific charm and the flavour of freshly roasted coffee beans await you. It takes just one sip of a long black, ristretto or espresso and you feel transported far away.
Cafe New Zealand, Langstrasse 120

Dear Baroness, How do I break up with this girl without her crying?

Dear Baroness, 

I have been dating this girl for about a year and am just not feeling it any more. I like her but I don’t love her. And she likes me more than I like her. I’m just tired of it. I want to remain friends but maybe that’s not possible. Any advice on how to handle this? I don’t want her to cry.

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