Thu, 08.09.2011

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 8.9.2011:Amphitheatre, masquerade & Lord of the Flies

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As you may have noticed, there is always a photo of Zurich shown prominently in the newsletter. Whether it is landscapes, buildings, streets, signs or people the photos all give a personal view of our city, by one of our readers. So whether you are a professional or amateur, artist or snapper send in your photos of Zurich to me using the 'upload' link below the photo. And like everything else I do with the newsletter, I will make sure thousands of people know your (user)name and see your work.
Give my love to the city, Ron
Zurich Photo Trip
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Danish delight
Tonight, Hive hosts one of the stars of the electro-minimal scene, dj Trentemøller. The Danish dj had great success throughout the 00's as producer extraordinaire and re-mixer of some fantastic club tunes and now has the chance to prove he hasn't lost any of the skills that earned him his reputation. He's joined on the night by some other great djs including P Bell, who will hopefully repeat the fantastic set I saw him play at Vision. I have 2 x 2 tickets to give away. Email me.
Thursday 10 pm, Hive
Electro exploration
If you want to party, Zurich offers you many choices and I, of course, guide you to the best of them. But there are a few things Zurich doesn't have, one of which is an amphitheatre. And when there is a festival happening in an amphitheatre, well, you just have to be brave, cross the city limits and head for places unknown. On Saturday, 30 km outside Zurich, the Amphitheatre Electronic Festival is happening in Hüntwangen. It's not difficult to get to and well worth the trip with international acts like Infected Mushroom, Egbert and Sensient playing live for a full on 24-hour electro experience.
Saturday 4 pm, Amphitheatre Hüntwangen
Plan to rock
British born, Berlin based band, Planningtorock, seem to like to disorientate their listeners. The deep gothic-electro throb of the music makes room for dark moods to spiral around, whilst female singer Janine Rostron's voice is processed and pitch-shifted to truly androgynous states, especially on songs like I am your man, all lines become blurred. Art or music? Male or female? Gothic or electro? Maybe all of the above. See them at Rote Fabrik this Saturday, for something a little more challenging than usual but certainly rewarding.
Saturday 8.30 pm, Rote Fabrik
Masquerade music
At Provitreff, this Saturday, you can dance to the minimal and house sounds of the Kartazoon djs. Whilst this may not sound anything special on it's own, the evening is also a masked dance party. This means you can come disguised with a mask, or even with your face painted, and live out your wildest dance floor fantasies without care of recognition. Although my preference would be to live the dance fantasies totally unmasked, perhaps slipping it back on at the end to avoid your wanton fans.  If you do come masked, the first drink will be free.
Saturday 10 pm, Provitreff
Moving sound
Its diameter is more than 10 metres, it's made of metal and it creates sound - Cycloïd-E. Five horizontal pendulums are connected with sensors and speakers. Their arbitrary oscillation creates music. Fascinating! I cannot imagine how it really works and what it sounds like. If you're also interested, the sculpture by Cod.Act is displayed from Wednesday to Saturday at the Theater der Künste.
Wednesday 7 pm, Theater der Künste
Drinking: For you and for me
Für Dich - meaning 'for you' - has earned its name by becoming the favourite haunt for its neighbourhood since its launch in September 2008. Several regulars have even gone as far as getting an anchor tattoo done in homage to the anchor hidden in the café's logo (which is also the symbol for Aussersihl, the district in Zurich where the bar is located). That was three years ago, so they celebrate their anniversary this Friday with a large pot of paella and satay from the grill. Rizzoknorr, Zurich's local instrumental electro band will provide the soundtrack to the celebrations.
Friday from 7 pm /concert 9.30 pm, Kafi für Dich
Good to know
Warm days and sun shine are beautiful. Fresh fruits are also great especially the local berries you find in all the shops at present. But what I really don't like are the swarms of unwanted visitors they attract - also called fruit flies. If you don't believe that you might be reincarnated as an insect on a later life, I have a fabulous tip for you to get rid of them. Not once for all, but for the moment. Take a small rather flat bowl (for some reason orange coloured ones work best) and fill it with some vinegar. Then add a bit of water (so your flat doesn't smell like a vinegar factory) and add a drop of liquid soap. This reduces the surface tension of the vinegar and if the flies fly to drink (do they drink or eat?) the vinegar, they drown. Oops. If got rid of everything that attracted them in the first place (put fruits in the fridge, take garbage out), then you'll be rid of them overnight. You may call me Lord of the Flies. If you need more instructions or gentler tips, have a look at Wiki How.
Oh Land - Wolf and I
Nanna Øland Fabricius dreamed, like many girls, of a career as a ballerina. But a back injury burst that bubble. Afterwards she took on the artist Oh Land and dedicated herself to her second passion - music. I'm glad for that! Her second album convinces with northern mystic combined with playful electro-pop melodies. I'm really fond of Wolf & I, which reminds me of Portishead oder Lykke Li .Listen
Hasta la Vista Baby
They must be true fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Armed with markers and highlighters the design studio Brainbow created 1600 illustrations and made three consecutive short films out of it. All inspired by the film roles of the former governor of California.

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