Thu, 17.03.2011

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 17.3.2011: Jazz, French flair & St Paddy's

Zurich Photo Trip
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Paddy’s party

Today’s the day we all ignore our culture, history and upbringing and become Irish, at least for the night. Yes, it’s St Paddy’s Day again. If you’re looking for somewhere to let your inner leprechaun run wild there are a few pubs in town that would be happy to show him how. Some of my favourites are Nelson, McGee’s, Shamrock and the ever-popular Paddy Reilly’s. All have live bands playing, cold Guinness flowing and enough craic to make you miss the old homeland, even if you’ve never been.
Thursday All Day, Everywhere

Do the do

On paper, a collaboration between a Finnish singer and a French jazz composer may not seem destined for pop glory, but The Do have managed to pull it off. They’ve brought the best of their countries current music and topped them off with English lyrics. Sounding at once modern and classic, the duo brings their beautifully dark songs to Komplex 457 this week and I have 3 x 2 tickets to give away.
E-mail me.
Friday 7.30 pm, Komplex 457

Feel free

The Do What You Like night at Amboss Rampe says all you need to know really. Dj’s Jewl and Joe Bless bring the music all the way from electro to retro and all they expect in return is an open mind and stomping feet. If you get there between 9 – 11pm the entry will be free and you’ll get a chance to play Guerrilla Ping-Pong with So really, you can do what you like.
Friday 9 pm, Amboss Rampe

Soul reviver

You probably don’t think of the Jewish religion and soul music as natural bedfellows but that was before I told you about the Soul Rabbi. Coming from Germany and bringing with him 50 years of soul music and 4000 years of religion this guy will be djing at Helsinki this weekend. If it’s spiritual renewal you’re looking for then let your soul be moved by the music, and if anything else happens we’ll put that down to mysterious ways.
Saturday 9.30 pm, Helsinki
Cheese and Jazz

Although the words cheese and jazz may sound similar, it takes a Dadaist to combine the two. Duda – the café bar within the Dada house (aka Cabaret Voltaire) in Niederdorf – hosts a jazz night every Tuesday. And before the live music starts you’ll find a free buffet with cheese and bread at the bar.
Tuesday 7.30 pm, Duda

French openings

Two sweet venues with French flair open their doors this week. Both in Kreis 6 but independent of each other. This Saturday, the café patisserie Les Gourmandises de Miyuko invites you to try sparkling wine and chocolate at their new shop. Soon, they’ll have I*Ron chocolate candy on offer – sweet! On Tuesday, not far away at Nordstrasse 88, the Café Des Amis opens up. It’s a French bistro with French charm and cuisine that serves lunch specials and French nibbles all day long.
Saturday 8 am – 7 pm, Les Gourmandises de Miyuko
Tuesday 8 pm, Café Des Amis

Good to know

Energy generation was the motor of the economy over the last decades. And worth paying almost any price it seemed. But environmental catastrophes such as the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico or the current nuclear meltdown in Japan show that things have to change. The first step for a better world lies with us. On the page you can test online how your household could save some energy. Also, if you live in Zurich, the city gives you money if you buy a coffee machine, fridge, freezer or a washing machine of the best most economical category. Just ask the dealer for more details.  More tips (in German only) you’ll find on EWZ’s website.

Inside Out

The French street artist JR was awarded by the TED community for his work, Inside out. At the prize ceremony he talks about his dream to change the world though art.  With his over dimensional faces that he places in urban spaces he wants to show the world’s true face. An inspiring 24-minute-long speech. Watch!

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