Fri, 10.07.2009

Zurich (EN) : Ron's new design

Redesign Ron Orp's Mail

Dear friends, 


Throughout today we’re updating our website with a new design and, from Monday onwards, our newsletter will also arrive in a new layout. I hope you’ll like it. It would be great if, like the last time we did a redesign, everyone can send me some feedback – not just those who don’t like it!

There’ll be few interruptions on the website during the course of the day and it’s possible that not all the functions will work yet. Please be patient with us and let me know if you notice anything irregular at [email protected]


That’s new!


Password: From tomorrow, it won’t be possible to come directly to the website and you won’t be automatically logged in simply by clicking on the newsletter. So, if you’ve lost your password, please click on “Forgot password” and follow the instructions. If, after doing this, you don’t receive an e-mail with your password, please check your spam folder first.


Account: As a new feature you’ll have an account where you can receive messages and contact others. This way you can, for example, ask a contributor directly where a photo was taken and if you might use it.


Everything else is staying the same, and I have to say that I’m proud of our fresh, new look.


Give my love to the city,



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