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Overwatch 2 Reveals Possible Sixth Skin in Avatar Crossover Event
Overwatch 2 has seemingly teased Katara Mei as a sixth skin in its upcoming Avatar: The Last Airbender collaboration event, set to launch on December 17. This skin would join five previously leaked skins based on Aang and his friends, marking a major expansion for the crossover.
The collaboration was officially confirmed during Overwatch 2's Season 14, and shortly after, five skins were uncovered: Aang Zenyatta, Zuko Genji, Toph Venture, Suki Kiriko, and Appa Orisa. However, a recent discovery by Overwatch 2 fan Bartybrattle has suggested there may be a sixth skin. The fan spotted an advertisement for the Avatar event on the PlayStation store, which was likely posted prematurely. The ad featured key art showing most of the leaked skins, but also revealed Mei dressed as Katara, a skin that hadn’t been previously mentioned.
The image shared by Bartybrattle strongly suggests the legitimacy of the previously leaked skins, though Toph Venture was notably absent from the ad. However, Overwatch 2 had already confirmed the Toph Venture skin via Twitter, so it’s possible it simply wasn’t included in the cropped image.
If the leaks are accurate, this will be the first time Overwatch 2 offers six skins in a collaboration event, as previous crossovers have typically featured four or five skins. In past events, one of the skins was often made available for free through in-game challenges, while the others could be purchased in the shop. It’s likely that Appa Orisa will be one of the free skins this time.
The Overwatch 2 x Avatar: The Last Airbender event kicks off on December 17, so fans won’t have to wait long for an official confirmation of the skins and further surprises that may await in the collaboration.