
You are wonderful! you are outstanding! and by the way, tag, you're it. as notable and incredible as you already are, you could be even extra so. beautiful younger people are the whimsey of nature, but lovely vintage people are actual works of art. but you do not come to be "stunning" simply by means of distinctive feature of the growing old technique.

You are wonderful! you are outstanding! and by the way, tag, you're it. as notable and incredible as you already are, you could be even extra so. beautiful younger people are the whimsey of nature, but lovely vintage people are actual works of art. but you do not come to be "stunning" simply by means of distinctive feature of the growing old technique.

Hallo Meck,
also bei mir gilt eigentlich immer: Die beste Autowäsche gibt es daheim.
Ich habe immer alles da, um das Auto von oben bis unten zu reinigen.
Die meisten Leute haben nur einen Reiniger daheim, was definitiv ein Fehler ist.
So macht auch so ein Felgenreiniger einen himmelweiten Unterschied:
Die regulären Reiniger, die man für die Lackfläche verwendet, machen die Felgen lediglich stumpf und schmutzanfällig. Bei Waschhelden bekommt man quasi alles was man braucht, um seinem Auto mal eine richtig schöne Pflegekur zu verpassen.