
@ earlgrey
or he has a headacke and a depression and another depression.........
and it is still love!

no, its a disease!

Soon enough it will all become dull routine, she doesn't want to be touched anymore, by you, she is stressed through work, she has a headache, other things to do, she finds you ardous. You begin to miss these intense feelings of the beginning and eventually start looking for love/sex at other places.

its not dangerous, dont worry! But maybe what you feel is not love but rather a selfish desire to be loved. Or maybe your just in love. How should we know...

oh dammit!! i'm obsessed! jeeezz! what now???
and what about all those nice flowery butterfliey endorphiny heartloopingly allthetimethroughtheroomdancingly tickling prickling tingling feelings... ?? symptoms of obsession? are they dangerous?

I go with vargas. It's more likely to be obsession! Love's purer if it not bound to too many expectations. I think its no helpful to constently have your mind dwell somewere else (not where your body is), at least if its persistent. If you seek more meaning (or some sort of fulfilled feeling) in your live, dont expect a single person to give it all to you. Eas in, toss away insecurity, find confidence and go with the flow...

@vargas: touching: check! spending time: check! waiting: check! ... ;)

I would say it's obsession , loneliness or horniness ( depending on how your life is going currently) .. Love... hmm, wait until you actually touch the person phisically and spend more time with him/her, wait until she/he doesn't give, do, or say what you want and multiply that for 100. After that, if you are still feeling/thinking the same way, then , perhaps you are close to find love!!!

no, and yes, it's love, and a riddle, and that stuff from calvin klein that made kate moss famous, and everything at the same time. it's certainly not the best thing, for anyone, other things are relevant as well, balance is key, good healthy balance.