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1,5 Zimmer Wohnung in Wipkingen
- 1,5 room flat in Wipkingen, very centrally located, 5min to HB by bike
- separate, spacious, modern kitchen with big dish washer
- bathroom with bathtub/shower combi
- washing machine shared with one person, so you can basically wash whenever you want
- small garden for the tenants of the building, but no balcony
- fully furnished with absolutely all equipments (e.g. vacuum robot, dishes, microwave, etc etc...)
- looking for someone who is willing to buy all furniture and equipments
- subrent for at least 1 year and longer, starting from 1rst February, so ideally looking for someone who want to move in permanently
- around 1700chf, including electricity, WiFi, heating, etc
- 3months deposit
- no smoking or pets
- Privathaftpflicht a must
Please drop me a message with some information about yourself and your telephone number (WhatsApp) if you're interested!
Kosten: 1'700.00
Adresse: 8037 Zürich