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I’m looking for a flat swap!
Due to a change in my financial situation, I’m looking for a 2.5-room apartment in Zone 110, also well connected to public transportation and in a convenient location. Maximum rent: 1500 CHF.
If you’re interested in a swap, feel free to get in touch! :)
I’m offering a spacious 2.5-room apartment with loggia/winter garden, 80 sqm, 1730 CHF/month, all included.
• Modern kitchen with a cooking island and all amenities: large fridge, dishwasher, and an open living space, perfect for cooking and relaxing.
• A private washing machine and dryer directly in the apartment – super convenient!
Thd bedroom is large as I managed to put two big wardrobes
Location highlights:
• 2 minutes’ walk to the Hungerbergstrasse bus stop (Line 32), which takes you directly to Limmatplatz in 15 minutes
• 5 minutes’ walk to the train station, where trains reach Zurich HB in just 14 minutes.
• 3 minutes’ walk to Lidl and Aldi (you can even access Aldi directly via the garage – very handy in bad weather).
• 2 minutes’ walk to a Migrolino, open until midnight and on Sundays.
• A 24-hour gym just 3 minutes away.
In the surrounding area, you’ll find everything you need: a post office, pharmacy, Coop, and Migros, all within 5 minutes on foot. The neighborhood is a small oasis with all essential services right at your doorstep.
Kosten: 1'500.00
Adresse: Blumenfeldstrasse , 8046 Zürich